ROI Calculator

ROI Calculator

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Number of trucks in fleet Enter the number of trucks in your fleet
AVG number of battery replacements per year (Truck) On average, how many truck batteries do you replace per year?
AVG number of batteries used in each truck (typiclly 2) What is the average number of batteries in each of your trucks?
AVG number of jump start events per year (truck) On average, how many times a year do you have to jump start a truck?
AVG nights/year a truck is slept in On average, how many days per year does each of your trucks have a resident inside?
Number of liftgate trailers in fleet Enter the number of liftgate trailers in your fleet
AVG number of battery replacements per year (liftgate trailer) On average, how many liftgate batteries do you replace in a year?
Number of batteries used on Liftgate trailers (typiclly two) What is the average number of batteries in each of your liftgate trailers?
AVG number of times a year a delivery is turned due to a dead liftgate battery On average, how many time per year do you have to return a liftgate trailer to the yard due to dead liftgate battery(s)?
AVG Truck Battery Cost (per 1) AVG Battery Cost (per 1) $
AVG Truck Battery Replacement Book Time Hours of book time for a truck battery replacement
AVG Truck downtime for battery replacement Hours of downtime
AVG Truck downtime cost (Hour) AVG opportunity cost/hr for truck unused $
AVG Truck Time down for Jump Start (Hrs) AVG Amount of time to get truck running again from a dead battery (jumpstart event)
AVG Jump Start Service Fee or Technician cost AVG cost of a company to come jump start a truck or to send one of your technicians out to jump start it $
AVG Labor Hour cost (Truck Technician) Cost/hour labor (AVG) $
AVG Accomodanted Starts/night On average, how many times/night do your trucks autostart or are started to recharge their batteries. IT's possible they start many times/night, however, this value should generally just always stay less than three because realisticlly the solar panel will only prevent the first autostart of the night since no solar power will be generated at night.
AVG hours per start event On average, how long do your trucks run for when autostarted or started to recharge batteries (hours)
AVG Fuel Consuption idle/hour AVG Gal/Hour fuel consumption at idle
AVG Fuel Cost/Gal AVG Cost of Fuel/Gallon $
AVG Truck age to fleet removal (years) At what age does the fleet finally sell trucks? This factors into how many battery replacements each truck will expierance in it's life in the fleet
AVG Trailer Liftgate Battery Cost (per 1) AVG Battery Cost (per 1) $
AVG Liftgate Trailer Utilization Rate 100% means every liftgate trailer is used every day, 50% means on average 50% of trailer are utilized each day.
AVG Trailer Liftgate Battery Replacement Book Time Hours of book time for a trailer battery replacement
AVG Liftgate Trailer downtime for battery replacement Hours of downtime
AVG Liftgate Trailer downtime for dead battery Hours of downtime
AVG cost of turned delivery due to dead liftgate battery Cost of returning Trailer to yard, unloading, loading another trailer and sending truck back out $
AVG Liftgate Trailer downtime cost (Hour) AVG opportunity cost/hr for trailer unused $
AVG Labor Hour cost (Trailer Technician) Cost/hour labor (AVG) $
AVG Trailer age to fleet removal (years) At what age does the fleet finally sell trailers? This factors into how many battery replacements each liftgate trailer will expierance in it's life in the fleet
AVG Percentage of time dead battery is first discovered at delivery What Percentage of the time is the dead liftgate battery discovered after the truck has arrived at it's destination to make it's delivery? 1 = all the time .5 = 50% of the time
Anticipated Number of Jump Starts w/ Solar System 2
Jump Start Event reduction (anticipated) 22
Jump Start Cost (single) Cost of a single Jump Start event $850.00
Yearly Savings (Truck Jump Starts) Cost of a single Jump Start event $18,700.00
Anticipated Number of Battery replacements per year 8
Battery Replacement Event reduction (anticipated) 7
Battery Replacement Cost (single) Cost of a single Battery Replacement event $1,680.00
Yearly Savings (Truck Battery Replacements) Yearly ROI (Truck Battery Replacements) $11,760.00
Anticipated Number of Jump Starts w/ Solar System The better your utilization and the more batteries you have, the less jumpstarts you will endure 5
Jump Start Event reduction (anticipated) Yes, this is hige - solar panel significantly reduce jump starts on trailers.. Not kidding! 45
Jump Start Cost (single) Cost of a single Jump Start event (includes opportunity cost) $455.00
Yearly Savings (Trailer Jump Starts) Yearly ROI (Jump Start Reduction) $40,725.00
Anticipated Number of Battery replacements/year 9
Battery Replacement Event reduction (anticipated) 15
Battery Replacement Cost (single) Cost of a single Battery Replacement event $1,364.00
Yearly Savings (Trailer Battery Replacements) Yearly ROI (Trailer Battery Replacements) $40,725.00
Estimated Fuel Savings from Idle mitigation Fleetwide fuel usage reduction $30,600.00
Total Truck Savings (Fleet) $61,060.00
Total Truck Savings per truck $1,221.20
Total Trailer Savings (Fleet) $67,935.00
Total Trailer Savings per liftgate trailer $679.35